Lenore S.
I have used this product for years and love it...the tube lasts a long time.
Ariana S
My eyeshadow and lip color stayed on all day. I noticed a difference the first time I used it. My eye and lip makeup have never looked better.
My eyeshadow and lip color stayed on all day. My eyes and lips have never felt smoother.
Natalie Jimenez
My eyeshadow and lip color stayed on all day. I'm amazed by how vibrant my eyeshadow looks with this.
Soraya R
My eyes and lips have never felt smoother.
Phoebe R
The pomegranate seed oils make it feel so luxurious. I've never had my eyeshadow pop like this.
Morgan Ruiz
The botanical blend feels so natural.
It's perfect for those long days. My eyeshadow and lip color stayed on all day.
I've never had my eyeshadow pop like this. It's so easy to apply, and it dries quickly.
Elizabeth T
I've never had my eyeshadow pop like this. My lip gloss doesn't smudge at all. Even after eating, my lip color stays in place.
Emma Rodriguez
My eyes and lips have never felt smoother. I recommend this to everyone. I'm amazed by how vibrant my eyeshadow looks with this.
Chloí© Guerra
My lip gloss doesn't smudge at all.
Mikayla Andrade
It's perfect for those long days. I'm amazed by how vibrant my eyeshadow looks with this.
Stella Vargas
My lip color doesn't fade at all. It's so easy to apply, and it dries quickly.
Alice Brown
Golda Lee
I've never had my eyeshadow pop like this. The chamomile and Vitamin E really nourish my skin.
Lisa V
My eyeshadow and lip color stayed on all day. My eye and lip makeup have never looked better.
My lip color doesn't fade at all. I noticed a difference the first time I used it. The botanical blend feels so natural.
Addison Scott
The application tips were so helpful
Phoebe Molina
The pomegranate seed oils make it feel so luxurious
I recommend this to everyone. It's perfect for those long days.
The chamomile and Vitamin E really nourish my skin. My eyeshadow and lip color stayed on all day. I recommend this to everyone.
Caitlyn W
I've never had my eyeshadow pop like this.
Eve Y
My lip gloss doesn't smudge at all. The ingredients are so nourishing.
Love it
Used it for years
Dixie Torres
The botanical blend feels so natural. I recommend this to everyone.
It can be said that i'm amazed by how vibrant my eyeshadow looks with this.
Eliza A
My lip gloss doesn't smudge at all. I love the smooth texture it gives my eyelids and lips. The application tips were so helpful.
Madelyn Delgado
Honestly, this primer is a game changer for my eye and lip makeup.
Phyllis Martinez
I noticed a difference the first time i used it
It s perfect for those long days
Grace Lewis
I'm amazed by how vibrant my eyeshadow looks with this.. Worth every penny!
Brianna S
My lip color doesn't fade at all. My eye and lip makeup have never looked better.
My eye and lip makeup have never looked better. The pomegranate seed oils make it feel so luxurious.
I recommend this to everyone. The application tips were so helpful.
Kathy Nelson
The ingredients are so nourishing. My lip color doesn't fade at all.
Esme C
The chamomile and Vitamin E really nourish my skin. My lip color doesn't fade at all.
Aurora Phillips
This primer is a game changer for my eye and lip makeup.
Danielle M
The botanical blend feels so natural. I'm amazed by how vibrant my eyeshadow looks with this. My eyeshadow and lip color stayed on all day.
Katherine B
It's a staple in my makeup routine now. The ingredients are so nourishing. I noticed a difference the first time I used it.
Jeannine R
I recommend this to everyone.
It's so easy to apply, and it dries quickly. My eyeshadow and lip color stayed on all day.
Paula E
My lip color doesn't fade at all. My eyes and lips have never felt smoother.
This primer is a game changer for my eye and lip makeup. The application tips were so helpful. I love the smooth texture it gives my eyelids and lips.
Khloe Jimenez
My lip gloss doesn't smudge at all. I noticed a difference the first time I used it.
I noticed a difference the first time I used it. Even after eating, my lip color stays in place.
I noticed a difference the first time I used it. My lip gloss doesn't smudge at all.
The chamomile and Vitamin E really nourish my skin.. Highly recommended!
Anna V
The ingredients are so nourishing.
Jasmine G
The chamomile and Vitamin E really nourish my skin. The pomegranate seed oils make it feel so luxurious. I've never had my eyeshadow pop like this.
My eyeshadow and lip color stayed on all day
Callie S
The chamomile and Vitamin E really nourish my skin. It's perfect for those long days.
The pomegranate seed oils make it feel so luxurious. I noticed a difference the first time I used it.
Carissa Perez
This primer is a game changer for my eye and lip makeup. The chamomile and Vitamin E really nourish my skin.
Emily Taylor
I love the smooth texture it gives my eyelids and lips. My eyes and lips have never felt smoother. It's so easy to apply, and it dries quickly.
I love the smooth texture it gives my eyelids and lips. Even after eating, my lip color stays in place.
Abigail C
I noticed a difference the first time I used it. Even after eating, my lip color stays in place. I'm amazed by how vibrant my eyeshadow looks with this.
Penelope V
The chamomile and Vitamin E really nourish my skin. The application tips were so helpful. The pomegranate seed oils make it feel so luxurious.
I love the smooth texture it gives my eyelids and lips. I recommend this to everyone.
It's so easy to apply, and it dries quickly.
I noticed a difference the first time I used it. The chamomile and Vitamin E really nourish my skin.
Joyce V
The pomegranate seed oils make it feel so luxurious. The botanical blend feels so natural. I love the smooth texture it gives my eyelids and lips.
The pomegranate seed oils make it feel so luxurious. The chamomile and Vitamin E really nourish my skin.
Savannah T
I love the smooth texture it gives my eyelids and lips. I've never had my eyeshadow pop like this.
Jill J
Honestly, my lip gloss doesn't smudge at all.
My eye and lip makeup have never looked better. I noticed a difference the first time I used it. My lip color doesn't fade at all.
Lavonne Lee
My eye and lip makeup have never looked better. My lip gloss doesn't smudge at all.
Georgina L
Based on my experience, it's perfect for those long days.
Even after eating, my lip color stays in place.
Amelia H
I recommend this to everyone. My eyeshadow and lip color stayed on all day.
Carol M
It's so easy to apply, and it dries quickly. I noticed a difference the first time I used it.
Winnie Barajas
It can be said that i love the smooth texture it gives my eyelids and lips. even after eating, my lip color stays in place.
Maddison W
My eyeshadow and lip color stayed on all day. The chamomile and Vitamin E really nourish my skin.
Gerald DeRose
Exie Perez
It's a staple in my makeup routine now. I love the smooth texture it gives my eyelids and lips.
My lip gloss doesn't smudge at all. I love the smooth texture it gives my eyelids and lips.
It's a staple in my makeup routine now. I've never had my eyeshadow pop like this.
Rae Campbell
My lip color doesn't fade at all. My lip gloss doesn't smudge at all. I've never had my eyeshadow pop like this.
Ramona Ruiz
My eye and lip makeup have never looked better. The chamomile and Vitamin E really nourish my skin. My eyeshadow and lip color stayed on all day.
Cora Scott
My eyeshadow and lip color stayed on all day. My lip gloss doesn't smudge at all. I've never had my eyeshadow pop like this.
Robbie Turner
The botanical blend feels so natural. It's a staple in my makeup routine now. My eye and lip makeup have never looked better.
It's a staple in my makeup routine now. The pomegranate seed oils make it feel so luxurious. My eyes and lips have never felt smoother.
Millicent S
My lip gloss doesn't smudge at all. The botanical blend feels so natural.
Annie Perez
It's perfect for those long days. My lip color doesn't fade at all.
Rose R
It s a staple in my makeup routine now
Brielle C
The ingredients are so nourishing. The application tips were so helpful.
The botanical blend feels so natural. I'm amazed by how vibrant my eyeshadow looks with this. It's a staple in my makeup routine now.
Estelle Lee
I noticed a difference the first time I used it. My eyes and lips have never felt smoother. I love the smooth texture it gives my eyelids and lips.
Misty Roberts
This primer is a game changer for my eye and lip makeup. Even after eating, my lip color stays in place. The botanical blend feels so natural.
Mabel Perez
It's perfect for those long days. The chamomile and Vitamin E really nourish my skin. My eye and lip makeup have never looked better.
Morgan Brown
It's a staple in my makeup routine now. I'm amazed by how vibrant my eyeshadow looks with this. My lip gloss doesn't smudge at all.
Nelda R
I noticed a difference the first time I used it. It's so easy to apply, and it dries quickly.
My lip color doesn't fade at all. My eye and lip makeup have never looked better. My lip gloss doesn't smudge at all.
It's so easy to apply, and it dries quickly. I recommend this to everyone. My lip gloss doesn't smudge at all.
Miranda V
I recommend this to everyone. It's a staple in my makeup routine now. I've never had my eyeshadow pop like this.
Katie Nelson
My eyeshadow and lip color stayed on all day.. Don't miss out on this!
Lauren F
I noticed a difference the first time I used it. This primer is a game changer for my eye and lip makeup. It's a staple in my makeup routine now.
The botanical blend feels so natural. Even after eating, my lip color stays in place.
I believe that this primer is a game changer for my eye and lip makeup.
Lillian N
I'm amazed by how vibrant my eyeshadow looks with this.. Don't miss out on this!